Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do you know an Undercover Boss?

I love “Undercover Boss”! 


Because it tells me about Jesus.

What?? I didn't think it was a religious show! 

It’s not, but I think of it as a modern-day example of what it was like for Jesus to come to earth to live with us; and it teaches us about grace.

Let me begin again.  “Undercover Boss” is a weekly TV show that “follows high-level corporate executives as they slip anonymously into the rank-and-file of their own companies. Each week, a different executive will leave the comfort of their corner office for an undercover mission to examine the inner workings of their corporation.” (From http://www.cbs.com/shows/undercover_boss/about/)  When the show debuted a few years ago I didn't think I would like it because I don’t like to watch people being embarrassed on purpose for all to see (think “Candid Camera”).  But when I watched, I was amazed at what I learned.

If you have seen this show, you know the basics:  the executive or “boss” goes to several different locations under the guise of being a contestant on a reality show.  The “boss” tries to learn the various jobs that the front line employees do (and usually fails miserably…).  At the end of the show, the executive reveals his or her real identity to the employees he’s worked with and they usually feel very embarrassed (and mentally review how they've treated this person!).  The executive explains to each employee how well he or she has done and then gives an amazing and generous gift to the employees that is a complete surprise.

I have come to call this show my “Road to Emmaus” show.  Jesus left his “corner office” in heaven to see what the “front-line workers” were doing.  He spent time learning about what it’s like to live on earth, how to do what the “boss” wants us to do.  Finally, he walked along the road with his companions, the “front-line workers,” who didn't recognize him, learning about what had been happening recently (his own death and resurrection!).  When he finally revealed himself to his companions, they were blessed.

Like some parables that Jesus told, this show is not meant to be detail-for-detail like Jesus’ life.  Many if not most don’t line up, but it's the overall picture I've learned from.

What I see in this show is a weekly example of grace.  From the recipients’ point of view, they didn't deserve the amazing gift that their boss is bestowing on them.  They just work hard every day, trying to do their best and provide for their family.  To have someone (a person perceived as much more important than they) come along and pay their mortgage or give them a raise or promote them to a more responsible position or mentor them in their career is a totally new experience and to them unexpected and undeserved.

It is hard to receive grace that we feel we don’t deserve.  And usually harder when we know we can never pay back the giver.